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Derby is a skater dog that cruises around with her buddies and has fun. However, one day they skate on the wrong street. Derby and her friend Scooter see a chalk drawing at a local skateboard of an address for a "Rad Skate Zone". They go to the place, start skating, and it turns out they were skating on Mayor David's property, also known as Big Dog Davey. Derby and her friends are now in big trouble, and along with that Scooter gets arrested! Derby now has to track down whoever suggested skating on Big Dog Davey's property. Determined, she decides to skate at all the local parks to look for clues, while also evading the fuzz.

 Contact for support with this and other games. If you enjoy our game, then please buy us a cup of coffee or more by pressing the "Donate" button above. All proceeds go back to our mission to provide professional opportunities for game makers, whether student, early professional, or hobbyist.   


This concept was started by a small group of students during the Intermediate Game Design class at West Virginia University. A small prototype was developed with Unreal Library assets and some custom assets. In the summer, group member Keegan Mowery pitched the idea to the studio during our open pitch day. This fall, our group began prototyping within a larger group setting and conceptualizing the story around Derby with all original assets and program. The BitBridge Halloween Showcase will be the group's first demonstration. 

Our Team

Este juego fue creado originalmente en el otoño de 2022 por un pequeño equipo dentro de MonRiverGames. La primera versión contenía 4 resultados de plantas; esta nueva versión contiene más de 25 resultados de plantas. Todavía estamos en progreso en el desarrollo y estamos refinando el prototipo activamente. Esté atento a los sonidos divertidos, un sistema de inventario y nuevas mecánicas.


La versión original se creó en HTML, mientras que la nueva versión se crea en Construct. El tráiler de video a continuación todavía muestra el juego original, pero ahora puedes jugar el enlace del prototipo para ambas versiones. Por favor déjenos sus comentarios, especialmente si encuentra algún 'fallo'.

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